
DFDS-GOT-AUG18 1127 dfds​

DFDS – Your #1 forest logistics expert

At DFDS, we provide forest logistics from trading, storage and processing of by-products such as woodchips or sawdust directly from sawmills to industrial wood straight from the forest.

Our company has decades of expertise in wood logistics and can assure safe transportation of your forest products from collection to the delivery point. We handle small quantities as well as large volumes, so you can count on us for any type of forest products. 

Forest industry, forestry, logs

Pakume teenuseid paberirullide ja -aluste, tselluloosipallide, saetud puidu, vineertahvlite ja puitlaastplaatide jaoks. Pakume ka lisateenuseid (nt toodete kaalumine, pakendamine, ümberpakendamine, parandus, sildistamine ja kvaliteedikontroll).

Ükskõik, milline on teie logistikatoimingu iseloom, suurus või kiirus, pakuvad DFDS-i pühendunud metsatööstuse meeskonnad alati teie vajadustele vastavat metsatoodete transpordilahendust.

Forest, road, graphic

Metsatoodete jaoks õige varustus

  • Varapõhised 3PL-lahendused, sealhulgas oma laevad, rongid, haagised, terminalid, konteinerid ja vahetatavad furgoonid

  • Kaasaegne laevastik, mis koosneb ro-ro-, külg- ja konteinerlaevadest ning mitmeliigilise transpordi lahendustest

  • Uuenduslikud megakasseti- ja seadmelahendused, mis optimeerivad koorma massi ja veose turvalisust

  • Raudtee- ja maanteeveoteenused

  • Spetsiaalne terminal, ristlaadimine ja laopinnad

DFDS-GOT-AUG18 1127 dfds​

Digital tools for forest logistics

If you decide to use our digital tools to track your forest products you will get:

  • A dedicated DFDS control tower to manage the forest products logistics process 

  • Real-time tracking for your forest cargo 

  • Streamlined IT solutions for quicker forest cargo processing in the destination terminal 

  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) solutions, for more efficient data management 

  • A user-friendly booking system that helps you to create, edit, and track your bookings

  • An Online Warehouse Management System (WMS) Empirika to keep tabs on stock

  • A modern tracking that allows both the unit and the trailer to be independently tracked

Booking tool DFDS Direct