Understanding Decarbonisation
The role of regulation in decarbonising shipping: could we be doing better?
“It all needs to happen much, much faster” Lau Blaxekjær, Head of Decarbonisation Funding, Group Decarbonisation, DFDS
Solutions intégrées
Solutions logistiquesSolutions de chaîne d'approvisionnementLogistique tierce partie (3PL)Logistique quatrième partie (4PL)EntreposageSolutions de connectivitéFret de projetDédouanement (en anglais)Solutions décarbonisées (en anglais)Logistique contractuelleAt DFDS, sustainability is everyone’s business. While decarbonisation is complex and requires considerable investments, inaction is more expensive than climate action.
Learn how we approach the challenges of decarbonising through small shifts in behaviour to large-scale technological solutions to reach the common goal: net zero by 2050.