Europe’s top freight forwarding company

As a leading freight forwarding company, DFDS offers comprehensive freight forwarding services that are essential to businesses of all sizes. From meticulously planning transportation routes to managing complex customs procedures,  

DFDS ensures that your goods are being transported seamlessly across various transportation modes. By leveraging our industry knowledge and negotiating power, we secure the best rates and terms, providing cost-effective solutions for all our clients.  

Intermodal, rail, rail transport, rail solution, freight shipping and rail transport, container

Scegli DFDS per spedire le tue merci

Noi di DFDS garantiamo assistenza in tutte le fasi del trasporto merci, dalle fasi di imballaggio e stoccaggio alle pratiche doganali, eliminando in tal modo parte della pressione e del carico di lavoro. In qualità di spedizioniere, possiamo aiutarti offrendoti:

  • pratiche doganali;

  • documentazione su esportazioni e importazioni su scala internazionale

  • assicurazione;

  • imballaggio;

  • stoccaggio;

  • gestione dell’inventario.

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Affidati a un unico partner

In qualità di spedizioniere, coordiniamo e ci assumiamo la responsabilità del trasporto delle tue merci tra una destinazione e l’altra, via terra, via mare, su treni e su navi, oltre che dello stoccaggio. Agiamo da intermediari nella gestione del processo di trasporto merci per tuo conto, incrementando l’efficienza delle comunicazioni: in poche parole, devi affidarti a un’unica società.

Multimodal prova a

Get a solid inbound and outbound logistics solution

Inbound logistics involves managing the entry of various products, such as raw materials and tools, into your warehouse, factory, or retail store. On the other hand, outbound logistics focuses on efficiently transporting finished products from your facilities for immediate use.  

For smooth cargo forwarding that focuses on cost-effectiveness, it is crucial to establish a well-defined process for both inbound and outbound logistics. Leveraging our extensive multimodal route network, we provide you with a versatile and reliable solution for your inbound and outbound logistics needs.
