DFDS 수상 내역
DFDS는 2018년 세계 최고의 페리 운영업체(World's Leading Ferry Operator)로 선정되었습니다!
우수한 사업 성과를 인정받는 것은 언제나 자랑스러운 일입니다. DFDS가 또 다시 상을 받게 되어 영광스럽게 생각합니다. 올해에는 세계 여행 어워드(World Travel Awards)에서 세계 최고의 페리 운영업체(World’s Leading Ferry Operator)로 선정되었습니다.
이 상은 소셜 미디어로 고객의 참여를 이끌고, 선상 시설을 개선하고, 고객의 피드백을 반영해 서비스를 향상시킴으로써 최고의 고객 서비스를 제공하고자 하는 당사의 노력이 맺은 결실입니다. 고객 여러분의 여행은 DFDS에게 중요한 의미가 있으며, 당사의 페리를 이용하는 모든 순간을 특별하게 만들어 드리기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.

With you all the way
In so many ways, we don't really see these journeys as ‘work'. Being dedicated to hospitality, it feels only natural to us to do everything we can to make your experience the best it can be – to immerse you in an unforgettable journey that we share with you and cherish as much as you do. This is our home, and we invite you aboard to make it your home for as long as you’re our esteemed guests and fellow travellers.
We see it as a real privilege to travel the seas and experience the destinations we visit, and we want you to feel the same while we share these unique experiences together. We know now much they’ll mean to you, and we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our community of friends.
It’s a genuine pleasure.

The DFDS difference
DFDS is all about the finer details that turn a really good experience into an amazing one. For us, ‘good’ isn’t good enough, so we dedicate ourselves to continuously finding ways to do things better.
Of course, your time with us is precious. From your first encounter with DFDS, throughout your journey and all the way to our fond farewells, we know how much the details matter. They are the difference.
We see our dedication to your journey as integral to a superior experience, and why we're widely established and recognised as the world's best.
And of course, making a difference will always extend to the positive social and environmental Impact we can have at every touchpoint. Because that feels good, too.