Clubul copiilor (Kids’ Club) pe ruta Klaipeda-Kiel
Aduceți-vă copiii în camera de joacă de la bordul feriboturilor noastre spre Germania, ca să se distreze jucându-se, pictând sau uitându-se la desene animate, în timp ce dvs. vă relaxați și vă bucurați de tot ceea ce are de oferit feribotul. Copiilor li se va părea ceva mult mai plăcut decât o călătorie cu autocarul sau avionul!
Experiența la bord
Onboard Klaipeda-Kiel
Sail between Lithuania and Germany and enjoy access to an array of fantastic onboard facilities, including restaurants, shopping and more.
Vote for DFDS as the World’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024!
After being crowned ‘Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024’ at the World Travel Awards earlier this year, we are delighted to announce we are now in the running for the World title.
Our deepest gratitude goes out to our employees, passengers, and partners for their continuous support and loyalty. Without you all, this nomination would not be possible. Your journey is our passion.
Cast your vote today and help us achieve this global recognition once again. Thank you for being part of our success story!