Transport de fret

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Europe’s top freight forwarding company

As a leading freight forwarding company, DFDS offers comprehensive freight forwarding services that are essential to businesses of all sizes. From meticulously planning transportation routes to managing complex customs procedures,  

DFDS ensures that your goods are being transported seamlessly across various transportation modes. By leveraging our industry knowledge and negotiating power, we secure the best rates and terms, providing cost-effective solutions for all our clients.  

Intermodal, rail, rail transport, rail solution, freight shipping and rail transport, container

Utiliser DFDS comme transitaire

Nous pouvons vous accompagner dans toutes les étapes du processus de fret, du conditionnement et de l'entreposage aux procédures douanières, afin de réduire la pression et la charge de travail. En tant que transitaire, nous pouvons vous aider dans les domaines suivants :

  • Dédouanement

  • Documents d'exportation et d'importation internationale

  • Assurance

  • Conditionnement

  • Stockage

  • Gestion des stocks

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S'adresser à une seule entreprise

En tant que transitaire, nous coordonnons et prenons en charge le transport de vos marchandises entre deux destinations, par voie terrestre, maritime, ferroviaire et par stockage. Nous jouons le rôle d'intermédiaires chargés de gérer le processus de fret en votre nom, ce qui améliore l'efficacité du processus de communication, car vous ne devez vous adresser qu'à une seule entreprise.

Multimodal prova a

Get a solid inbound and outbound logistics solution

Inbound logistics involves managing the entry of various products, such as raw materials and tools, into your warehouse, factory, or retail store. On the other hand, outbound logistics focuses on efficiently transporting finished products from your facilities for immediate use.  

For smooth cargo forwarding that focuses on cost-effectiveness, it is crucial to establish a well-defined process for both inbound and outbound logistics. Leveraging our extensive multimodal route network, we provide you with a versatile and reliable solution for your inbound and outbound logistics needs.
